The Collision Repair Process

Every collision and subsequent collision repair is unique. However here are the general steps to the collision repair process.

While your car is in our shop, you are welcome to visit during any of the steps in the process or you may request for pictures to be taken and emailed to you.




One of our estimators will review the damage to your car and provide a written estimate and a time frame for how long the repairs will take.

If you are filing an insurance claim, your insurance company will most likely schedule an appointment to see your vehicle and write their own estimate.

In either case, an original estimate is usually not the final repair total. Your vehicle will have to be disassembled to expose any possible damage hidden behind body panels.


Once you sign the repair authorization, we order the replacement parts and your vehicle moves into the disassembly stage.

Here we remove all the damaged parts and inspect for hidden damage. If we find  other damage, we notify you and your insurance company.

If required, we schedule a second insurance inspection.

Whether you or your insurance company are paying for the repair, we provide a revised estimate  for authorization of the additional repairs.

This second estimate is referred to as a supplement to the original estimate.

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Depending on the damages, we will either repair or replace the damaged parts.

We have all the necessary equipment to repair unibody frame structures and sheet metal to pre-accident condition and manufacturer specification.

We are an I-Car Gold Class shop since 2018 and continue to update our education and equipment each year.

The Gold Class® recognition is the highest training achievement recognized by the collision repair industry.


It is estimated that only 15% of repair shops currently meet the rigorous Gold Class standard and our technicians are fully certified and keep current on the changing technologies.


After the disassembly and repair we move your vehicle into the paint department. We use the highest quality PPG paint and mix it using factory formulas.

The areas to be painted are isolated, cleaned and prepared for paint. They are sprayed first with a primer to help the paint adhere. Then the areas are sprayed with a color coat and finally a clear coat which is blended into adjacent panels so there are no transition lines.

Any parts such as bumpers that need to be painted before assembly are painted at this time as well.

Our state-of-the-art heated spray booths offer dust free environments for paint application and quick dry times.

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Before we can out your car back together, we may have to polish the new paint to remove any imperfections. Polishing before the car is reassembled allows us to get to all the painted surfaces for  a seamless transition.


At this point, your vehicle goes back to the technician who disassembled it for reassembly. We take extra care to ensure all new and existing parts fit properly.


It is inevitable that cars get dirty during the repair process and we thoroughly clean your car inside and out before returning it to you.


The last step before we call and inform you that your car is done, is the quality inspection.

We inspect your vehicle to ensure the repairs are seamless and that your car is indeed back to its pre-accident condition.

If you are like most of our customers, you will be very glad to get your car back, looking as good or better than before!

Check out our customer's testimonials and our reviews on YelpFacebook or Google Business.
